Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Woo hoo and What the heck...

Today started out as a perfectly normal day. I got up showered, got Faith up and ready, made Faith's Lunch and headed out the door. I dropped Faith off at daycare and headed to work. I got to work and everything seemef fairly normal. That was until about 10 am when my boss recieved an email from the Dean of our department. This email was a forwarded message from the PROVOST of the University. It was informing us that the Provost was taking PERSONAL LEAVE effective immediatly. Now you may be thinking that this is fairly normal right? Well, in most cases taking personal leave is fairly normal but when you have only been on assignment as the PROVOST for 1 1/2 months it seems a little weird. About 30 mins later we got an email that the President of the University was on campus, he was not due to be here until tomorrow which is FERDINAN's (the campus owed and run creamery. MMMM) 60th Birthday...(on my birthday how cool...HA HA :) :)... Any who...turns out he was here to talk the Dean of Veterinary Medicine into taking over as Acting Provost while the current provost is gone. There is no anticipated time of return for our provost. The Deans office called my boss around 11 and told her that it seemed really fisshy and that there was talk that he went on leave because he was forced by "higher" powers. We all have our speculations both good and bad, but they are strictly speculation, WE KNOW NOTHING!! So that was the WHAT THE HECK news only because for the last month things have just been VERY VERY VERY weird around campus.

Now the WOO HOO...this is UNOFFICIAL NEWS...BUT...

What you really want to know?? OK OK

The person that I have been filling in for put in her OFFICIAL resignation, effective TODAY!!! Now as far as my department, my boss, my director adn the Deans office are concerned the job is mine, but we still have to go through all the technicalities. Since we are in a hiring freeze We have to get approval from the "Provost" office to open the position for hiring. (WSU doesn't allow Direct Hiring into a position from a Temp position) Once we have the approval they will post the position on the Employmetn sight. I must at that point submitt an official application for the position. Then my boss has to do an official search. She then can inputr me based on the grounds that I am currently in the position and have already been trained. Once that is done I finish paper work and I am official, which means...BENEFITS, SICK LEAVE, and ANNUAL LEAVE. This process could take anywhere from 2 weeks- 1 month it all depends on how quickly the "provost" office responds and how quickly they get things posted...etc. I will let everyone know when it is official. I am very excited, This job has been so greaat for me and my boss is great and they have done a lot to help us. I am so thankful to GOD that he placed me in this position.

So, there you have it a fully balanced day. A little of the "WHAT THE HECK??" and a little "WOOHOO"


Courtney said...


Teaseburger said...

Hooray!!! Unofficial congradulations!!!

Papa said...