Monday, September 15, 2008


I am not a person who handles being sick. I don't mind colds they are ok because I can still function and work and take care of Faith. WHat I don't like is what I have today...the nauseous, feel like I am going to throw up, head hurts, and achy body. THE FEELING THAT YUOU HAVE BEEN HIT BY A MAC TRUCK. That is what I DO NOT like. But inevitably that is what I have. I calle din Sick to work today and Garratt stayed home from class to take care of me and Faith (we decided to keep her home so that I didn't have to worry about going out to pick her up later.) Garratt is still planning on going to his research class (12-1) because he has a huge assignment due and then he is planning on going to work tonight (4-8ish) so hioefully Faith and I will be ok. We will make it work...cause we are good like that, sick or not. Iam done on the computer I am going back to the couch to lay down and watch TV and probably take a nap.