Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Bad Tuesday

How many ways can a Tuesday feel like the worst day ever? First I took the car in today to have some routine maintenance done on it and found out that there is alot more that needs to be done and all very expensive things. So I now have to save up for a few things that HAVE to be done before we do any more major trips on the basically I have until May.

Then I thought my day was going to take a turn for the better, the girls seemed to be having an ok day, the total cost of the repairs we did do was less than I had budgeted for, which meant I could put some extra money into savings, yeah...

and then it happened...

I pulled my camera out to take a very cute picture of Faith playing with Brooke while Brooke sat happily in her Bumbo and my camera would not work...I changed the batteries...I tried cleaning it...I tried everything I have to buy a new much for that left over money going into savings.

Ok fine...I can get over the camera thing, I kinda knew that was coming. It has been starting to act up in the last few weeks. Then after taking an hour to eat dinner and getting 2 time outs for hitting 2 year old has a massive temper tantrum melt down... and off to bed we go before Daddy gets home from work...

So that was my Tuesday...How was yours????