Friday, June 27, 2008

One Down

I had my interview with Express Personnel today. That was loads of fun. I filled out paper work, watched a really pointless video, took a drug test, and got my information so I can take my proficency tests online. Then on Monday they will call my references and I will be contacted sometime next week and informed that I have been put on the availability list or not. I am not super thrilled about the whole process or the odds of me working alot. Apperently there has been a low in the amount of Clerical positions that are available. We will see what happens. On the plus side I have my other job interview on Tuesday morning. That one I am looking forward too, I would really like that job. Again, I can not get my hopes up too high I must stay realistic about this and remember that I might not get the job, and if I don't that means there is something better for me out there and I just have to find it.