Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Ha Ha Funny Story

Once we decided that we were moving to Washington at the end of May I started looking for a job. One of the jobs I applied for was an HR assistant position at WSU. (This is just a little background for you) A week or so ago when I was having issues with our computer and was up at WSU's IT office waiting to pick up the computer I was talking to a couple of the people in the office and one of them told us this story.
Apparently the head HR lady was called into her bosses office about a month ago and told that her title would be changing. She said that she understood that it happened sometimes and asked what her new title was and why it was changing. Her boss answered telling her that her new title would be ESR which stands for Employee Services Rep. The reason is because they don't feel that she works wth humans. The lady left a little confussed. She later went back to her boss and asked, if she doesn't work with humans what does she work with. The boss replied with you don't work with Humans in general you work with Employees.
Can someone tell me what that is all about? How are employees not human?? I just thought that this story was funny and that a few of you might get a little chuckle out of this, being as how many of us have worked with HR in one way or another.


Courtney said...

I sometimes wonder about all of those HR departments out there...