Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A foot in the door!

After a numerous amount of application subbitting with no response I finally took my mothers advice. I submitted my application the an employment placement company called Express, you may have heard of them they are all over. Anyways, I submitted my resume on Sunday night. Monday night I had an e-mail from the company saying they wanted to set up an interview. I emailed back that I was intrested in doing the interview. This is not the job I wanted by any means, actually it is not even a job. Basically, if you don't know how it worls, they look at your resume when you initially submit it and decide if they think that you have the skills to be placed in a job, then they interview you just like a company would, and then they place you in a job in their listings if you match the criteria, and if they have something in your area of expertise so the speak. If they do then you could start as soon as the next business day, if they don't there is no guarantee when they will have something. Once they recieve something they go through their "waiting list" to determine who best fits the job and they call them the day before they need to start. The problem lies in that these jobs they place you in can be Temporary, Temp-Permanent, Permanent, Full-Time, Part-Time, or Per Diam. This is very unassuring. This is the stuff that really gets to me. This is when I really start to doubt myself as a person, as a wife and as a mother. With Garratt in school I have to be the main source of income how can I do this if I can't get a guaranteed full- time permanent job? How can I pay bills and know that we will make it the next month if I am a temp or part-time? All these things keep me up at night tossing and turning. Please be praying for me. My interview is this Friday(6/27) at 2p.m.


A said...

It's not always that bad. My job at the H2O company was from a temp agency. It was the first job I was placed at and I went full time permenant in 1 month. Keep your chin up...