Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Ok...the phone works both ways!!!

I have always been very open and honest,about what is going on in our lives and how I am feeling,on this blog, so I am going to continue that trend because I do not feel like I am going to offend anyone becuase of my honesty and because I just could care less anymore if someone gets mad at me because of my opinion or my feelings.

So we arrived in California 4 weeks ago. Most of our immediate family knew that we were here almost instantly and most everyone else know within a week because either they read my blog where I posted that we were in California and willing to get together with people if they contacted us, or becuase they had talked to other people and found out the same information. I said in my blog that we are available, I do not know what anyones schedules are so I would like them tocontact us to work around their schedules. So why is it that when it comes down to the last 8-10 days we are getting phone calls asking us why we have not contacted them to get together. THE PHONE WORKS TWO WAYS PEOPLE!!!!

I am not the type of personality that just stops by someones house randomly (except like 3 households, My Parents, My Mother-in-Laws, and My Nana and Papa's). I also do not invite myself over. If you want to get together I will make time as best as I can but I am not going to ASSUME you want to see us. I am of the personality and mind frame that you get together with people because they want to see you so they have contacted you to come see them or meet somewhere.

So, we leave in 4 days and we have not seen everyone. There are people we probably will not see because there will not be anytime left. I have some time slots still open so if you want to see us give me a call or leave me a comment on here and I will contact you but I am not going to assume that you wnat to see us nor am I going to just "STOP BY." That is not me. Sorry!!!


Courtney said...

Amen! Well put!

I'd love to see you, I've just been soooo hectic busy with work and life that half the time I can't remember what day it is.

I do hope your visit has been a good one and that you've been able to rest and relax. Because it was still a vacation, yes?

A said...

As someone who found out about the visit from someone else after you were almost here, I understand how hard it is for everyone to find out about things beforehand.I tried working out a play date once and getting together after the baby shower but I totally understand the pull of grandparents so I was waiting for you to text me like you mentioned. If it doesn't work out, that's ok...I're pregnant...people are busy...