Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Papa

So, I know that this is a day late (I did call him and talk to him yesturday!!) but HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAPA!!! I am so blessed to have such an amazing Grandfather!!! He has always been supportive and encouraging and generous. He has always been My PAPA and he always will be, and now he is also Faith's PAPA!! She calls him and talks to him and loves being around him, this was proven ever so more during our trip to California in May! Every Morning she woke up and crawled out to the Family Room and sat on Papa's lap with Blankie, and Bannana Nut Cherrios, Milk and PLayhouse Disney on the TV!! She was in 7th heaven!! So here is hoping and praying that you had a super birthday and have a terrific year. Happy Birthday Papa!! We all Love You!!!