Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Let the Fun begin!!!

So, today is the start of 2 1/2 weeks of fun around WSU campus and Pullman. Today is the first day of WOW(week of welcome). Tonight we have Bash in the Grass (If it stops raining...otherwise it becomes bash in doors???) Pullman Business Bingo starts today and goes through Saturday (this is just a fun game for the WSU students to play and get cool prizes). Tomorrow starts the Campus Sacavenger Hunt (more fun prizes). Tomorrow night is also game night, Comedy in the Nuthouse (Daggy Theater), Shopping Blowout at ShopKo and Ice Cream Night at Dairy Queen. Friday (besides being Faith's birthday!! 1 year old...YEAH!!), we have the Univerity Convocation and All Campus Picnic. Friday night is the big party night, the opening of the new 18+ club, dances, movies and so much more. Friday night is also the starting of the LENTIL FESTIVAL. The major events for the Lentil festival are on Saturday and we are looking forward to checking that out. Sunday is a little slower there is just a Backyard Bash at the Student Rec Center. Then Monday is the start of the Semester. During the week there are various activities put on by different groups on campus. Then it's Labor Day weekend. We all have Monday off...yeah! Then that week is the Grand Opening of the CUB (student union). There are activities all week leading up to the Ribbon Ceremony on Friday. So there will be lots of posts about the fun happening, as well as some pictures ( more on Faith's blog for those who have access). Well, talk to you soon!!!