Monday, August 4, 2008

Finally...But Yet

I did it. I finally got a job. I should be ultra excited. It is the right pay, the right hours, the right is great. So, why am I not excited you ask. Its simple really, two fold. 1 the job is currently a temp position, you see the person who usully has this job has been on disability since April, they don't forsee her coming back before October, if she comes back. If she doesn't come back then I will be made permenent. If she does decided to come back then I will be back to looking for a job...again. 2 I don't recieve my first paycheck until the end of August. This poses lots of problems mainly I have bills that have to be paid, the car needs gas in order to get to work and get Faith to daycare and oh yeah I have to feed my family (go figure). I am currently a torn individual. I want to be happy, I have the right to be happy, I finally have a job. Yet, I cannot allow myself to be happy because I am freaking out about the finances. This is where I decided now is the time to cry. I cry because I am happy and because I am scared and unsure of the next 3 weeks.


Courtney said...

And unfortunately, this is when it becomes, what to charge and what to pay cash for? Pay cash for only the things you can't charge, and charge only the things that are necessary.

I know, debt sucks. But this is one circumstance that the credit card is your friend...