Tuesday, September 22, 2009

When will it end?? some of you know that we had problems with our car finance bank like a month ago. I took care of the everything and paid off the car or so I was to understand from them. There was the possibility that there might be a "SMALL" balance but the girl reassured me that it would be minimal if any and that I would get a statement telling me my balance. So today I get a phone call from the bank telling me that my monthly payment is LATE. How the heck is that even possible. I paid it off according to the girl I talked to on 9/2/09. Well apparently that girl was slightly new and misinformed me...story of their life around there...and so now there is a "LATE" payment. So I asked why I had not recieved a statement telling me that I have a balance anf that it is going to be due on X date? Her reply made me want to hit the roof...she told me that the way there system is that the issue we had cause the system to "mark" our account and that "marked" accounts do not recieve statements. WHAT??? That is just the way it is, was her statement after that. Ok so now I was pissed and she could tell so she went and talked to her manager and her manager is offering us a "settlement" on the account. She is willing to discount the $400 we owe down to $275 if we can pay it by the end of the month. CRAP. That is a fairly decent deal, but no I do not have a job. Basically the girl said that we have the option to take the "late" fee and make our monthly payments until we pay it off or we take the settlement but we have until the end of the month to do it. I am so frustrated right now because neither option is very doable at this moment in time with me not working. Just when I had things figured out so that we could "float" by until I find a job. There is always something. I am really starting to wonder when it is all going to end. If it is not one thing it is another. This whole process of deciding what to do about this and that and everything in between is really getting more and more trying. All I want to do is get my Career Certification in Event/Wedding planning and start my own business so that I can make a living and support my family and be able to make my own schedule so that I can be home when I need to be and be able to make enough money to pay our bills, put a little in savings and be able to go out on a "date night" with my husband once a month. Is that asking too much? Apparently so because it is not happening. Oh well here is hoping that something comes up in the Palouse Job Market soon because right now the only jobs are ones that require extensive degrees or are aimed at College students who are willing to work "ANY" hours. GRRRRR to life!