Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Now What?

So I found out last week that somewhere along the line I lost my job. This was completly a shock to me. So at the beginning of the month a friend of mine who is a professor in the department I worked for called me and asked me if I had heard that the girl who was "filling" in for me while I was gone had gotten a permanent position in a different department. I said no and decided to email my department director and find out what that meant for my job. 3 days later I got a reply from him saying that they had already "posted" the job online to be filled and that I was more than welcome to apply for it. I emailed him back and asked him why it was posted when I was under the impression this whole summer that I would have a job to come back to after my maternity leave, as long as the money was in the budget for it. A few days later I got a response from him telling me that He was sorry but they had to act fast and they had already hired someone. He also told me that he did not realize in all our corespondances that I was "definatly" returning and that he assumed I was not. Then he proceeded to apologize for any inconvienience and said that he would be more than willing to write me an excellent reference letter if I ever needed it.
Needless to say I was rather pissed off and fumed over it for awhile and then I realized that obviously there is a reason that I "lost" this job. I know that God has something for me since he allowed for this to happen, I just wish I could figure out what. There really are no jobs here for a person like me with no degree and while I have the "financial aid" to go back to school I do not have the "financial" means to not work. I would love to keep the girls home and go backl to school. I could take some online classes for now and then eventually take some traditional classes later. I am still not sure what I want to do. There are 4 different things that I am really interested in and I do not know which way to go. 2 of the options would be "traditional" schooling the 3rd would be an online certification program, and the last would be an inbetween. The first two would involve traditional financial aid to pay for and the 3rd would be a monthly payment plan of $40-60 per month and the last I am still figuringout but I think it would invilve some sort of loan or payment plan, but it would be more exprensive. What are the options? 1) Nurse, I have always loved the field of medicine and the thought of helping people. 2) Teaching, I love working with kids and I think this would a great field to work in. 3) WEdding and Event Planning, this has been a passion of mine for a long time. I started the schooling for this back like 6 years ago and never finished it. Now I feel like I could get back into this, there is a real need in this are for that type of person and I could work from home and be able to set my schedule around Garratts. 4) Cosmotologist....I have thougth about this one for a long time. I wanted to fo this originally when I got out of High School but was told by a specific family member that it was a dead end and that I could not do it. So I guess at that point I gave up. This is also a carreer with a need and I think again I would be good at it and I again could work my schedule around Garratt's as needed. So now what? I do not know. I guess I put all this on hold and focus on tring to find a minimum wage job that will help us "float" by as much as possible and then maybe in 3 -4 years when Garratt is done with school and his internship and he has a good job then I can consider these options again. I guess that is what I have to do, be a supportive wife and mother and place everything else on the back burner.