Monday, January 5, 2009

A Snowy Return

Hello Everyone! Well we have made it back to Washington safe and sound...barely!! We got hit with a yucky storm just after we got home yesterday, We got into Pullman, unloaded, headed to the grocery store and made it back before the storm hit. It was like a "rian downpour" only instead of rain it was snow. YUCKY!!! They decided to have the University on "normal" operation which was a pain because it was so snowy and almost unsafe. Oh, well, our parking lot was REALLY bad again so Garratt decided to keep Faith home with him and I got bundled up and made the snowy treck into work on foot. I could not get the car out if I wanted to...there was like 11/2 feet of snow...I was wet and cold by the time I got to work but I made it. I will be staying here for lunch...I am not going to try and walk back home and then walk back to work. Then I will carefully make my way back home after work. Carefully being the key.