Monday, January 26, 2009

Negative What? the past 2 1/2 weeks since we got back to Washington after our trip to California for Christmas, we expected lots of snow, that is not what we got. We got fog, chilly temps, ice, and a little sunshine. No SNOW!!!! It has been kind of nice because the town and University were able to clear many snow drifts that were large and blocking other things, everything was able to melt down and looked a lot like it did in the fall. Then this last weekend we got hit with some snow. Very Little, but snow none the less. It didn't really bother anyone and the maintenance people were very good about being on top of the roads. They were plowing and graveling right away so there were never any issues with roads or parking lots. It was great. It has been in the low 20's most of the weekend. Nt varing too much. Then this morning, Garratt went out to brush off the car and start warming it up so we could take Faith to daycare and me to work. He left me inside with Faith finishing getting ready and he came in and announced that is was"REALLY CHILY." Now, you have to know my husband well to understand that it has to be PRETTY COLD for him to say it's cold. So we got all bundled up, loaded into the car and headed for daycare. I assumed that it was in the low teens maybe into single digits, because it was pretty chilly but didn't seem too bad to me and that is saying something, but I think that my hormones have my whole body temperature off anywho. So, on the way to daycare we pass the Bank of Whitman, which has a large sign that rotates different announcements and includes the time and temperature, as we passed it this morning it read... -9 ... yes people you read that right...negative 9 degrees...that is the coldest we have gotten, so far...OMG...that is COLD. Oddly though it is REALLY doesn't seem like it is THAT cold. WHY?? I have no Freakin' clue. I wish I had an answer, I swear I should be a popsicle...but I am not. I guess that as it has gotten colder over time I have adjusted to it rather well, and that my blood is thickening as a result. I guess you just become acclimatted when you have to.


Courtney said...

It's probably a drier cold. While I was in Alaska and it was like 2 degrees, it felt much warmer and more bearable than California's 35 degrees. Odd, I know!