Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's beginning to look and feel like Christmas

Well, yesterday we got hit with our first Artic storm. The day started out like a normal winter day...very cold. THen it became windy and rainy, by about 2pm it was snowing, now it has snowed one other time since the "winter" season began but it was too warm for it to stick and it was melting off as it hit the ground, not this time. This time it stuck. It snowed for about 2 hours then it warmed up a bit and turned back into rain, which resulted in slush. By 5pm the rain had stopped for a little while. This ment we were able to go to the Drive Thru Nativity at our church, which was really cool and I will post a blog on that, go to the grocery store for 3 items, go by my frind Katie's to check in on her cat and pick up a rolling pin to borrow, Katie is in San Francisco for AGU ( American Geological Union) Fall Conference, then home. When we got home all of a sudden the wind and rain picked up again. When we went to bed it was rainy and windy but most of the snow had been melted by the rain and turned to mushy slop. This morning we woke to a LOT of snow. It continues to come down. We have already gotten about 3" of snow. We are suppose to continue to get snow through the weekend. It is not expected to start to die down until late Sunday and even then, it only get REALLY cold. By Wednesday we are suppose to be at -13 degrees. I'll admit that is a little cold. I guess I have gotten used to the weather becuase 25 degree weather doesn't even bother me anymore, but those single digets I think might get to me a bit...HA HA HA ! Here are some pictures from this morning. I will post more as the snow piles, and this afternoon when Garratt gets home we are gonig to bunddle Faith up and take her out to play in it and see how she does so I will post those later too!!

This is a bush outside of our back porch area.

This is our apartment. You can see the snow coming down as the pic was taken.

This is looking off our balcony. The haze area is where we can usually see part of Pullman. Not today!!

Here is Garratt sweeping the snow off our Balcony before it gets piled too high that we can't get out there to do it.

This is what the snow on the balcony looked like when we opened the door this morning. There was already almost 2" of snow. The green blob is our Outdoor Foreman Grill that we put a tarp around to protect it from the weather, I guess the snow got to heavy and knocked it down, so Garratt had to shake the tarp out, wipe off the grill and then we decided to lay it on it's side and wrap it up in the tarp that way, smart thinking I know!!!


Teaseburger said...

Umm, looks too cold for me. Stay warm!!