Monday, July 13, 2009

New Update On Brooke

Well, last week we saw the DR again and we had a groth sonogram done. The results...

1) Brroke's measurements was showing her at 36 weeks even though I was only 33 weeks along.
(I am now 34 weeks)
2) At 33 weeks she is already 6 lbs. and has a VERY big head.
3) Brooke is already head down...hello pressure!!!
4) A mature placenta

The Concerns
1) Is my due date off?
2) How much more is she going to grow?
3) Is the placenta maturing this early a concern?

The DR's Desicion
1) To take it one day at a time...
2) Non-Stress Tests 2x per week (starting today)
3) Another Growth sonogram at 35-36 weeks
4) Weekly visists starting at 35 weeks.

What the Dr is watching for
1) Movement...does the placenta maturity cause Brooke to not be as active?
2) Growth...does the maturing placenta cause a stop in Brooke;s growth?
3) Size...does Brooke start to get too big?
4) Mommy's Blood Pressure...although it has been better the last 2 visits I am not in the clear because I have a history of hypertension...

If any of the above become an issue then we are talking inducement... I will keep everyone posted.