Saturday, July 18, 2009


Just so no one feels entirely left out... I am going to give an update.

I started a Non-stress test regimine...that happens 2x per week, this past week. I did not think much of it these are pretty routine in the third trimester, we went through this with Faith too. So, we were looking to make sure that Brooke was a happy and active little baby. So Monday went well...they said everything was normal, Brooke's heartrate dropped at one point but it came right back up so they were not concerned. Then Thursday's NST started out ok, but my blood pressure was really high and that was a concern. They also noticed some contractions on the monitor so the DR. order some blood work, the blood work came back ok, but there was still some concern so the Dr decided to order a 24 hour Urine collection and then they decided they were going to admit me into the hospital overnight for observation and to run some more tests. So, I spent Thursday and Friday in the hospital. On Friday mornig my DR came through to see me, he was concerned with my blood pressure and the swelling I was having in the legs, which by the point was much better. He decided to keep me until the results came back from my Urine Collection Tests. In the end he decided that my protien levels were not high enough to cause imediate concern so he sent me home on FULL BEDREST with very STRICT instructions. He said I should be feeling baby very frequently and if I wasn't to come straight back in. He also gave me some other sympthoms to watch for and siad if those started or increased to come straight back to the hospital. Basically I am to do ABSOLUTLY NOTHING...which is hard to do when you have a toddler at home and a Husband who has to work, (as it was Faith had to go to daycare on Friday because Garratt had to work from 9-2). So, now I am doing absolutly nothing and bored out of my mind...there is nothing on TV, I have to have my legs elevated so that limits what my options are aropund the house, the only way I am on the Computer is that We have a wireless keyboard and my legs are up on another chair so they are elevated. I have a Dr appt. and another NST with more blood work and blood pressure test on Monday morning so we will see what they say.

So there is the update!!!