Thursday, July 23, 2009

More Pregnancy Updates

So on Sunday we ended up back at the hospital. Saturday night I started feeling very sick, I developed a really bad headache and Brooke was just not moving like they said she should. We spent 4 hours in the hospital, they monitored me closely and they were going to let me go but my blood pressure was just not what they wanted to see. So, they went ahead and ran another round of Pregnancy Induced Hypertension (PIH) blood tests. They came back ok so the Dr. let me go home, still on bed rest. Monday we went back to the Dr. for the Appt. I had scheduled, this Appt. was with the other OB in the office. We discussed the background so far on this pregnancy as well as some of the stuff from Faith's pregnancy and then we discussed the option of inducing me early with all the issues I have been having with Pain and pressure and just plain crumminess. The Dr. was great he was very honest and very encouraging. He said that because of the size of Brooke and the issues with PIH that he though maybe a 38 week induction is not a bad idea. His biggest concern is that we do not push her to soon becuase she is not quite full term and her lungs may or may not be fully developed. He told me to continue the NST's 2x per week and to start coming into the office for weekly visits. He also had me set up another growth Ultrasound for 37 weeks (first week is August) to see just how big she is now. He told us that the average baby at 35 weeks (where I am now) is 4 lbs 8 ounces ( Brooke was 6 2 weeks ago). He also said that the average baby born at 39 weeks (when Faith was born) is 7 lbs. 6 ounces (Faith was 9 lbs 6 ounces). So there is a risk with the already larger size of Brooke. The concern is that if Brooke gets too much bigger that I will have more complications during delivery. So for now we wait. Although, he did take me off of FULL bedrest. He said that if my situation needed me to be on FULL bedrest that they might as well stick me in the hospital because it is redicoulous to be on FULL bedrest at home. HE did however tell me that I need to stay off my feet as much as I can, minimize my activity and no lifting or strenous activity. The better I am about these items the lower my blood pressure is going to be and the long we will be able to keep Brooke in the womb. I will keep everyone posted as things progress!