Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Garratt

Today is my wonderful husbands birthday. I will be nice and not tell you how old He is, lets just say He is 8 years older than me...HA HA HA! So today Garratt got to stay home with a sick child while I went to work, then He got to relax and have lunch, followed by getting ready for and going to work. Oh the life of a responsible adult. He told me the other night that He can hardly remember what a "ChildLike" birthday is anymore, I guess I will have to change that one of these birthdays. For now I will remind Him that He is a MAJOR part of our lived. He takes great care of Me. He is loving, caring, patient and understanding. He does the laundry the dishes and takes out the trash and recycles. In those little things He is my HERO. He is also great Father. He is a Daddy Jungle Gym, a human trampoline, and a cuddler when needed. He is Faith's Hero time and time again because He just takes the time to play with her, watch TV with her, dance to music with her and tuck her into bed at night. He is the first thing she looks for and calls to when we get home from daycare everyday and He is the last one she wants to see before bed. So on this special day, His Birthday we want to remind Him and tell everyone else how wonderful He is and how much WE LOVE Him and wish Him a SUPER WONDERFUL FANTASTICAL BIRTHDAY!!!
With Lots of Love from His Wife, Daughter and Baby!!!


Unknown said...

Wonderfully written Mel! Garratt was a great kid himself and I couldn't be prouder of him as his dad.

Margo said...

Happy Birthday Garratt, this may be late but not forgotten, unfortunately with my health the way it is I never know from day to day what I can and can't do. I have a present (part of a care package I am putting together) which I will hopefully send your way this weekend. It's great to have you in the family and share such wonderful events as these. You have become an important part of our lives, I couldn't imagine life without you in it. Anyway, hope you had a great day and lots of love from California.