Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Battle with the Alarm Clock

There are just some mornings that you know you don't want to start and that you really wish you could turn back the clock and sleep more, this was one of those mornings for me. I was lying in bed fighting with the alarm clock, I could tell that it was going to be a cold and overcast day based on the lack of light in my bedroom. I was tring to reason with myself as to why it was good to stay in bed, then my daughter called from her bedroom...daaaddddyyyyyy...oh that's right I have to get her ready too...Garratt is at work. Some mornings I can fight the alarm clock and lay there an extra 10 mins because Garratt is home and he helps me with Faith, but 2 mornings a week the girls are on their own because Garratt works the early shift. This is one of those morning. So I climb out of bed and go into Faith's romm and she pops up and smiles with a bright and cheerful..."HIII" I get her up and she gives me a hug as we walk to the changing table to get ready. Once she is dressed, we head to the bathroom to do her hair (which has gotten way more curly in the last wekk....)and then she goes and plays, back and forth all over the upstairs while I get ready. I usually try to shower before she wakes up but this morning I had to shower while she played where I could hear her. Then I threw myself together, and we headed downstairs. I gave her a few cherrios and made her lunch. We headed out the door for daycare and work only 5 mins late...WHOOO HOOOO!!! I got to work and had a hard time finding a parking spot so by the time I got up to my office is was almost 10 after, (usually I am in my office by at least 5 til.) Then I saw the stack of stuff on my desk that was not there when I left last night. Sigh...and the day begins. I guess I could consider that job security since latly things have been so up in the air with the economy the way it is. SO now I am taking a quick break after I have prioritized my tasks and looked at what my day holds, just to vent how my day started...because I currenty wish I could climb back in bed and skip over this day...why?? Because tomorrow holds...a day off...not just for me but for Garratt, He has no classes tomorrow. YEAH!!! So I took the day off and we are going to spend the day together. Although we are going to spend most of the day going around the house and figuring out what needs to be done and then figuring out what we need to do each job and then deciding what we are going to try to accomplish that day and then prioritize the rest. Then we will go get the supplies we need and grab some lunch and then back to the house to putz. All in all a rather dull day but to be able to spend the whole day with my Hubby is a great thing. We don't get a lot of time together (escpecially without Faith, she will stll go to daycare). So here is to getting through this day and to a great day tomorrow!!!!!